Scientific Committee

Prof. Andrea Caneschi – INSTM Director, UniFI

Prof. Maria Careri – Dept. Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, UniPR

Prof. Paolo Cescon – CNR-IDPA Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes, Venice

Prof. Attilio Corradi – Dept. Veterinary Science, UniPR

Prof. Antonio D’Aloia – Director of the Centre of Bioetics, UniPR

Prof. Roberto De Renzi – Dept. Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, UniPR

Prof. Giorgio Dieci – Dept. Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, UniPR

Prof. Giovanni Franceschini – Vice rector , Dept. Engineering and Architecture, UniPR

Prof. Rinaldo Garziera – Dept. Engineering and Architecture, UniPR

Prof. Alessandro Mangia – Dept. Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, UniPR

Prof. Antonio Mutti – Dept. Medicine and Surgery, UniPR

Prof. Luca Di Nella – Dept. Economics and Management, UniPR

Prof. Ludovico Valli – Dept. Biologic and Environmental Science and Technology, UniSalento